“灿如星澜,诗意绽放”,星澜之城在寸土寸金的滨江核心地段。杭州星澜之城售楼处,建筑面积约1000方,设计风格现代明亮,由美国AUD建筑设计总监——Dale G.Ciapetti与GFD室内设计创始人——叶飞 联袂合作。在执笔星澜之城的室内设计时,向阳春三月的西湖借来2200年的灵感,再剥去符号化的具体轮廓,将这片山水的韵味与国际都会融合得丝丝入扣,于星澜之城复兴一处既杭州、又国际的室内空间大观。
Hangzhou Xinglan City sales Office
World works, Hangzhou imprint. God is fond of Hangzhou, the landscape here is a living picture, the streets and alleys are scattered with the glory of history, a G20 summit for Hangzhou opened the door of the world, the language is bounded, the symbol is bounded, but the architecture is boundless.
"can such as star Lan, poetic blooming", Star Lan City in an inch of land in the riverfront core. Hangzhou Xinglan City sales office, the building area is about 1000 square, the design style is modern and bright, by the American AUD architectural design director-Dale G.Ciapetti and GFD interior design founder-Ye Fei. In writing the interior design of the city of Xinglan, borrowing 2200 years of inspiration from the West Lake in March of the spring, then stripping off the specific outline of symbolization, the charm of this landscape and the cosmopolitan city will be merged into a thread, and the city of Xinglan will be revived in Hangzhou.